Wednesday, September 7, 2011


                                 Rtn. Gerard Lazarus kick-starts the event with his speech
                          The ICC Chaiperson, Shymala explaining to the people on the puppies
                                     A Shih Tzu which was up for adoption

On the 27th of August, the Interact Co-ordiating Counsel ( ICC ) organized a pet adoption programme, in front of our New Gen director, Rtn. Ravichandriga’s clinic at Bayu Perdana. This event started at 10.30am with the arrival of Rotary President, Rtn. Gerard Lazarus and Rotarian Anthony Das. The main objective of this programme is to spread the animal abuse awarness to all the people. Our interactors alongside with interactors from all the nine schools, helped to make this programme a success. A total of 13 pets were adopted and many other pets were brought in the clinic to be examined by the vetinarian, Rtn. Ravichandriga herself. Eventhough some of  us can’t adopt the puppies because of our parents dissaproval, we had lots of fun and new experiences by playing with the puppies and handling them. We packed up at 6.30pm and cleaned up the whole place before leaving back to our houses exhausted.


            On the 16th of August, the Interact Club of  High School Klang had our first official meeting with our rotarian advisor, Rtn. Vanan Mariappan. The meeting started at 1.30 pm, which was after the schooling hours and the arrival of Rtn. Vanan. We discussed all our future projects and after a discussion with our rotarian advisor, BODs and all the members, we confirmed the country chosen for our IU day next year, FRANCE. Later, Rtn.Vanan advised us on all our future projects and even suggested some for us. He said that every member should come up with  a project and present it to him on the next meeting. The person, who comes up with the best project idea would become the organizing chairman for the project. With no issues arising, the meeting ended at 3pm.


                                    The interactors with our seniors after the laser tag war
                                The seniors having their delicous dinner in Old Town White Coffee
                                                            Our seniors posing at I-City
On the 14th of August, the interactors of High School Klang had our farewell party for our ex-seniors. A total of 11 seniors attended this farewell party. Everyone was at I-City on 6pm and we started of by playing pool and table football with the seniors. Then we proceeded to our main event..LASER TAG WAR ! We played 3 laser tag games which took about 45 minute. The main aim for this game is to shoot at your opponent and the person who does this would collect points for their respective teams. In the other hand, the person who got ’shot’, his gun would be freezed for 4 seconds. Everyone, especially our seniors was having a great time at the Lazer War Battlezone. At the end of it, we were exhausted, tired and starving. So we had a dinner in Old Town White Coffee and then continued the party by playing around the I-City theme park. Our senior had loads of fun on that day, and we think we had given them a day that they deserved.

                THANK YOU SENIORS !!! ;D


On the 16th of July, our High School Interactors lead by our president , Jaskireth Singh accepted the invitation and went to the International Understanding Day of SMJK Kuan Chen that is located in the city of Kuala Lumpur. We took a train from Klang at around 12 pm and reached at the KL Sentral at 2 pm. We then walked to Kuan Chen from there and reached there just before 2.30 pm. The I.U Day started at 3 pm and was filled with exciting performances such as dancing, belly dancing, sketch and some band performances. The I.U Day ended 5 pm and we took a train back to Klang and reached at our own school around 7.30 pm. This has been a new experience for us to go somewhere far as an Interact Team and it definitely strengthened the bond among our interactors.


On the 15th of July the school organized a small event where clubs are allowed to sell food and play games to earn money for their respective clubs. All students were assembled at the assembly hall at 7 a.m. Speeches were given by our headmistress, Puan Hajah Huzaimah binti Bahari and the President of the Parent Teacher’s Association, Yang Berhormat Dr. Desmond Lee. Then, the day preceeded with a light aerobic exercise involving all teachers and students. At 9 a.m the students were dismissed and allowed to go to the stalls set up all around the school. The Interact Club of High School Klang rented two stalls. We had two games which were remote control car and shooting of cans using a BB Gun. In remote control car, students were asked to complete a track of brick with sharp corners and narrow turnings within the limited time of 1 minute. The student who completes it with the fastest time among all the other st udents will receive a new remote control car. This game was won by a Form 4 student, Vinoth a/l Veeramany, who completed the track in just 19 seconds ! In BB guns, students were required to hit the cans which was arranged in a table using a BB Gun. The student who hits the most can wins the game. It was a fun and fruitful day. Even though we did not make much profit, we all had fun trying to attract students to our stalls. At 12 p.m we were given orders by teachers to start cleaning up our stalls. We started with immediate haste, cracking jokes and having fun while clearing up the area. By 1 p.m we finished clearing up our stalls. Exhausted, we made our way to our classrooms with the tables and chairs used and headed back home from a tiring day.
                                  Student in our stalls, trying the remote control car game
                                   Our president, Jaskireth Singh trying out our own BB Gun game


 Our outgoing president, Int. Arvinder Singh receiving his excellence award from Rtn.Gerard Lazarus

                                            The High School Klang Interact Board 2011/12
On the 26th of June 2011, all incoming Board Members of all the nine Interact schools gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Klang Executive Club. Rotarian Anthony Dass who constantly reminds us of the importance of being punctual kept announcing that we would begin at 8 a.m sharp. True to his word the leadership seminar began without any delays. Speeches were given by Rotarian President Gerard Lazarus, Past President Guna and many more other Rotarians. Words of advice and encouragement were give to the interactors who were going to uptake the responsibilities entrusted upon them to carry out with efficiency and excellence. After a long session of speeches, question & answer we broke for a quick meal and then proceeded to the Joint Installation and Award Ceremony. During this part of the event all the outgoing boards were retired and the incoming boards were officially installed. Same went for the ICC board. In between the installations performances were carried out. After installing every board of the 9 schools, the agenda proceeded to the award ceremony. This is where all awards are given out such as the best interactor award, best club award and etc. At 6.30 p.m the event ended with a light meal. All the interactors filled to the brim of the stomachs one by one they disappeared to head back to their respective homes full and satisfied. The rotary club does it again by organizing a smooth and successful event.


High School Klang Interact Board 2011/12

President:                                Int. Jaskireth Singh Dhillon

  Vice President:                             Int. Krithigin

  Secretary:                                  Int. Phartheben

  Vice Secretary:                           Int. Koh Vee Lee

  Treasurer:                                  Int. Vilakshaan

  I.U. Director:                              Int. Balginder Singh

  Funding Director:                       Int. Hermenth Raj

  Community Service Director:     Int. Lee Hung John

  Club Service Director:                 Int. K.Sharvin

  Editor:                                       Int. Edwin

  Human Resource Director:          Int. Fatehjeet Singh

  Form 5 Representive:                 Int. Arvinder Singh

 Form 4 Representive:                    Int. Kabrinz