Wednesday, September 7, 2011


On the 15th of July the school organized a small event where clubs are allowed to sell food and play games to earn money for their respective clubs. All students were assembled at the assembly hall at 7 a.m. Speeches were given by our headmistress, Puan Hajah Huzaimah binti Bahari and the President of the Parent Teacher’s Association, Yang Berhormat Dr. Desmond Lee. Then, the day preceeded with a light aerobic exercise involving all teachers and students. At 9 a.m the students were dismissed and allowed to go to the stalls set up all around the school. The Interact Club of High School Klang rented two stalls. We had two games which were remote control car and shooting of cans using a BB Gun. In remote control car, students were asked to complete a track of brick with sharp corners and narrow turnings within the limited time of 1 minute. The student who completes it with the fastest time among all the other st udents will receive a new remote control car. This game was won by a Form 4 student, Vinoth a/l Veeramany, who completed the track in just 19 seconds ! In BB guns, students were required to hit the cans which was arranged in a table using a BB Gun. The student who hits the most can wins the game. It was a fun and fruitful day. Even though we did not make much profit, we all had fun trying to attract students to our stalls. At 12 p.m we were given orders by teachers to start cleaning up our stalls. We started with immediate haste, cracking jokes and having fun while clearing up the area. By 1 p.m we finished clearing up our stalls. Exhausted, we made our way to our classrooms with the tables and chairs used and headed back home from a tiring day.
                                  Student in our stalls, trying the remote control car game
                                   Our president, Jaskireth Singh trying out our own BB Gun game

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